Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Attack of the Unicorn - Chapter 1

Attack of the Unicorn!
Chapter 1

They returned from the void, a place of darkness and pain.
Out into our world to rule once again.
The Beasts of the night, so long shut away.
Now they to steal the light and make us pay.

The earth did tremble under the furry of their hoofs.
traversing the land over high seas and roofs.
-Some dust fell sprightly as the creatures ran by.
I looked up in surprise and some fell into my eye.

'Egads' I exclaimed and without missing a beat.
 Jumped into some jeans and put some shoes on my feet.
I knew something was wrong as I ran for the door.
I knew they were back.

I knew this was WAR

Child of the Corn

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